ONLY PICK UP LINE THAT ACTUALLY WORKS. If you think Im good at flirting now wait until you flirt with me over the phone. Picking Up Girls Pick Up Lines Cheesy Pick Up Lines Funny Funny Text Memes When you want to introduce yourself as a guygirl having a great sense of humor these cheesy pick-up lines are the way to go. . Darkest Pick up Lines. I dont normally put all my eggs in one basket but I wanna. Top 50 Phone Number Pick Up lines. A phone number pick up lines is a phrase or sentence that makes you sound interesting or attractive. Funny Pick Up Lines To Get A Number. If you give me a kiss Ill give you my phone number. These pick up lines to get a number either of her or of him are cheesy pick up lines and funny ones as well. Following is our collection of smooth and dirty Phone pick up lines and openingszinnen working better than Reddit as Tinder openers. These were the best phone pick up lines that ac...